When driving, I enjoy listening to what use to be books on tape and now is books on CD’s. I actually listened to all of Moby Dick but usually listen to fiction and mysteries in particular. I read nonfiction. It was not unheard for me to sit in a parked car so I could hear the end of a book! Occasionally, I listen to something else. In particular, I like to listen to books which will make me a better mediator. Recently, I listened to “Marriage Rules: A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up” by Harriet Lerner, Ph.D. She is a scholar on the psychology of women and family relationships. In Marriage Rules gives us just over 100 rules that cover all the hot spots in long-term relationships. Marriage Rules offers new solutions to age-old problems (“He won’t talk”/”She doesn’t want sex”) as well as modern ones (your partner’s relationship to technology.) She also suggests how to:• Calm things down and warm them up• Talk straight and fight fair• Listen well as a spiritual practice• Connect with a distant partner• Survive the unique challenges of children, stepchildren and difficult- laws• Follow a 12-step program to overcome defensiveness• Know how and when to draw the line• Take back your marriage when things fall apartMarriage Rules suggested many ideas which will help me when mediating and in particular help resolve impasses.As always, you can post any comment about this blog or Divorce Mediation, or just Mediation by following the directions at the right in the green column or at the bottom of this website. Learn more about mediation at https://www.center-divorce-mediation.com/CDM (264) 12/28/12